Inspection of missing fasteners in A320 aircraft

Reference aircraft is A320neo fitted with CFM LEAP-1A26.

Wing-to-Fuselage Fairings and Belly-Fairing Access Panels

A320 Belly-Fairing Access Panels and Wing-to-Fuselage Fairings
A320 Belly-Fairing Access Panels and Wing-to-Fuselage Fairings
A320 Panel 198DB
A320 Panel 198DB
  • Refer to AMM TASK 53-35-00-200-002-A for missing fasteners.
  • Missing or damaged fasteners are not permitted on panel 198DB.
  • Replace a missing fastener with a fastener from a different panel temporarily.
  • Make sure that the replacement fastener has a thread with the same dimension as the missing one.

Missing Fasteners Panel Wise

Panel FINBelly Fairing Missing Fasteners DescriptionRectification
Missing fasteners are not permitted.Immediately
Missing fasteners are not permitted.Immediately
147EBMissing fasteners are not permitted.Immediately
191GBMissing fasteners are not permitted.Immediately
191BBOne missing fastener or screw is permitted for each edge only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of two fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of the panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the permitted missing fasteners or screws until the end of a 30-flight cycle. If one screw or its anchor nut is damaged, replace all five screws and their anchor nuts.
Only for the forward edge:
– Refer to SRM chapter 51 to install the high-speed tape on the related position and two other positions for each side of the related fastener or screw.
192FBMissing fasteners are not permitted on the forward edge of the panel. One missing fastener is permitted on the remaining edges only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of two fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of the panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 30-flight cycle.
Missing fasteners are not permitted on the forward edge of each panel. Two missing fasteners are permitted on the remaining edges only if they agree with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of four fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of each panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 10-flight cycle.
191DT/192DTMissing fasteners are not permitted on the forward edge of each panel.
One missing fastener at each fourth fastener position is permitted on the remaining edges only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of four fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of each panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 10-flight cycle.
191EB/192EBMissing fasteners are not permitted on the forward edge of each panel.
One missing fastener at each fourth fastener position is permitted on the remaining edges only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of two fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of each panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 10-flight cycle.
191KB/192KBMissing fasteners are not permitted when they are installed in the service panel areas.
Missing fasteners are permitted on the edges only if it agrees with the conditions that follow:
– A minimum of three fasteners are installed between the two missing fasteners.
– A maximum of two missing fasteners are installed on each edge.
Missing fasteners are not permitted in the corners if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of two fasteners must be installed on one edge of the corner (select a corner and count the fasteners) and a minimum of three fasteners must be installed on the other edge of the corner (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 30-flight cycle (visual inspection at intervals of 10 flight cycles).
Only for the forward edge:
– Refer to SRM chapter 51 to install the high-speed tape on the related position and two other positions for each side of the related fastener.
Missing fasteners are not permitted when they are installed in the service panel areas.
At panels without sealing profiles:
One missing fastener at each fourth fastener position is permitted only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of two fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of each panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
At panels with sealing profiles:
One missing fastener at each fourth fastener position is permitted only if it agrees with the condition that follows:
– A minimum of four fasteners at the first fastener position are installed on all the corners of each panel (select a corner and count the fasteners).
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 10-flight cycle.
Missing fasteners are not permitted in the corners.
Three missing fasteners are permitted when two fasteners are installed at each side of an empty hole.
One missing fastener is permitted.
Two missing fasteners are permitted when they are not adjacent to each other.
Replace the missing fasteners before the next flight.
Replace the permitted missing fasteners until the end of a 10-flight cycle.
A320 Belly-Fairing Access Panels and Wing-to-Fuselage Fairings

Pylon Fairing Panels

  • Missing fasteners are not permitted on the forward edge of each panel.
  • Missing fasteners are not permitted on the corners.
  • Allowed number of missing fasteners is 1 per panel, which is permitted for a maximum of 10 FC.
  • Refer SRM for missing fasteners in pylon fairing panels.
  • SRM reference: 54-52-11-283-014 – ADL (Allowable Damage Limits) for Missing Fasteners
A320 Pylon Fairing Panels
A320 Pylon Fairing Panels

Vertical Stabilizer Trailing Edge Access Panels

Only vertical stabilizer trailing edge access-panels 325BL, 325BR, 325CL, 325CR and 325DL have fasteners.

A320 Vertical Stabilizer Trailing Edge Access Panels
A320 Vertical Stabilizer Trailing Edge Access Panels
  • One missing fastener is permitted in each panel.
  • You can temporarily install a fastener where it is missing from a different panel. Make sure that the replacement fastener has the same size and length as the missing one.
  • Obey the criteria when you remove a fastener from a different panel
    • 325BL, 325BR, 325CL, 325CR – Maximum 4 missing fasteners are permitted for each panel.
    • 325DL – Maximum 5 missing fasteners are permitted.
  • Install fasteners where they are missing in 100 Flight Hours (FH) or less.

Vertical Stabilizer Fairings and Rudder Fairings

323AL/AR & 325AL/AR

A320 Vertical Stabilizer Fairings and Rudder Fairings
A320 Vertical Stabilizer Fairings and Rudder Fairings
  • Missing fasteners are not permitted in ZONE 1 (see above image).
  • Missing fasteners are permitted in ZONE 2 (see above image) with subsequent conditions: A maximum of two missing fasteners permitted which are not installed in adjacent positions. Each missing fastener’s location should be covered by two properly installed adjacent fasteners. Replace the missing fasteners before 100 flight cycles.