1. Multi Function Display (MFD) – Cockpit
  2. Portable Maintenance Device (PMD) – Laptop
  3. Control Display Unit (CDU) – Cockpit
  4. Boeing (six button) – BITE on LRU
  5. Honeywell – BITE on LRU
  6. Collins – BITE on LRU


These 7 ATAs and their related systems use the MFD BITE:

  1. 21 Air Conditioning
  2. 27 Flight Controls Stall Management Yaw Damper System
  3. 27 Spoiler Control
  4. 31 Indicating Systems
  5. 32 Proximity Switch Electronic Unit
  6. 36 Pneumatics
  7. 71 Engines

The MFD gives a BITE interface and gets BITE data through the onboard network system (ONS) using the onboard maintenance function (OMF) software in the network file server of the ONS. Portable Maintenance Device (PMD) can also be used for these BITE.

See the Ground Tests below.


There are five systems that use the CDU BITE.

  1. Flight management computer (FMC)
  2. Digital flight control system (DFCS)
  3. Auto Throttle (A/T)
  4. Air data inertial reference system (ADIRS)
  5. Fuel quantity indicating system (FQIS)

The CDU gives a BITE interface to aircraft systems. The CDU can get BITE data through the flight management computer system.


  • FMCS
  • DFCS
  • A/T
  • CDS
  • APU
  • FQIS


There are four systems that can use the Boeing BITE. Many of the menus in this BITE are the same for all systems that use this BITE. These are the systems that use the Boeing BITE:

  1. Stall management yaw damper (SMYD)
  2. Flap slat electronics unit (FSEU)
  3. Nitrogen generating system (NGS)
  4. Cabin pressure controller (CPC).

Honeywell LRU BITE

There are eleven systems that can use Honeywell LRUs. Many of the menus in this BITE are the same for all systems that use this BITE. These are the systems that can use the Honeywell BITE:

  1. Radio altimeter (RA)
  2. Weather radar
  3. Instrument landing system (ILS)
  4. Very high frequency omnidirectional ranging (VOR)
  5. Marker beacon (MB)
  6. Distance measuring equipment (DME)
  7. Automatic direction finder (ADF)
  8. Global positioning system (GPS)
  9. GPS landing system (GLS)
  10. Traffic Alert and collision avoidance (TCAS)
  11. Very high frequency communication (VHF).

Collins LRU BITE

There are thirteen systems that can use Collins LRUs. The test button and indication lights for this BITE are the same for many of the systems that use this BITE. These systems can use the Collins BITE:

  1. Radio altimeter (RA)
  2. Weather radar
  3. Instrument landing system (ILS)
  4. Very high frequency omnidirectional ranging (VOR)
  5. Marker beacon (MB)
  6. Distance measuring equipment (DME)
  7. Automatic direction finder (ADF)
  8. Global positioning system (GPS)
  9. GPS landing system (GLS)
  10. Traffic Alert and collision avoidance (TCAS)
  11. Air traffic control (ATC)
  12. Very high frequency communication (VHF)
  13. High frequency communication (HF)

Other BITE

The other systems have a test button and indication lights for the BITE.

These are the systems that use this type of BITE:

  • Electrical power
  • Brake temperature
  • Cabin temperature
  • Pack/zone control
  • Ice and rain protection
  • Window heat
  • Fire detection
  • Fire protection



  • System Test – during major maintenance.
  • Operational Test – For line maintenance.
  • LRU Replacement Test

Each ground test in 4 parts:

  • Selection of the ATA and the required test
  • Precondition page
  • Test
  • Post condition page

Ground tests are interactive or non-interactive.

  • Interactive: tests have instructions while the test is in operation.
  • Non-interactive: tests do not require actions after the test starts.


21 – Air CondSys TestAir Conditioning IBIT – LeftNon-Interactive
21 – Air CondSys TestAir Conditioning IBIT – RightNon-Interactive
21 – Air CondSys TestAir Conditioning IBIT with Flow Sensor Test – LeftNon-Interactive
21 – Air CondSys TestAir Conditioning IBIT with Flow Sensor Test – RightNon-Interactive
27 – Flt Cont – SMYD SysSys TestSMYD 1 – Self TestInteractive
27 – Flt Cont – SMYD SysSys TestSMYD 1 – Servo TestInteractive
27 – Flt Cont – SMYD SysSys TestSMYD 2 – Servo TestInteractive
27 – Flt Cont – SMYD SysSys TestSMYD 2 – Self TestInteractive
27 – Spoiler ContOper TestControl WheelInteractive
27 – Spoiler ContOper TestSCE TestInteractive
27 – Spoiler ContOper TestSpeedbrake LeverInteractive
27 – Spoiler ContSys TestFlight SpoilersInteractive
27 – Spoiler ContSys TestGround SpoilersInteractive
31 – Indicating SysSys TestDPC-1 CMU Chime TestInteractive
31 – Indicating SysSys TestDPC-1 MAINT Light TestInteractive
31 – Indicating SysSys TestDPC-2 CMU Chime TestInteractive
31 – Indicating SysSys TestDPC-2 MAINT Light TestInteractive
31 – Indicating SysLRU Replacement TestDPC-1 NVM Erase FunctionNon-Interactive
31 – Indicating SysLRU Replacement TestDPC-1 Replacement TestNon-Interactive
31 – Indicating SysLRU Replacement TestDPC-2 NVM Erase FunctionNon-Interactive
31 – Indicating SysLRU Replacement TestDPC-2 Replacement TestNon-Interactive
32 – AACUSys TestAntiskid/Autobrake System TestInteractive
32 – PSEUOper TestPSEU – LGTV TestNon-Interactive
32 – PSEUOper TestPSEU – Self TestNon-Interactive
32 – PSEULRU Replacement TestPSEU – Replacement TestInteractive
36 – PneuOper TestProtection Gate – LeftInteractive
36 – PneuOper TestProtection Gate – RightInteractive
36 – PneuSys TestPneumatic Engine ON – LeftInteractive
36 – PneuSys TestPneumatic Engine ON – RightInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestElectrical LRU – LeftInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestElectrical LRU – RightInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFF Left FAMVInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFFRight FAMVInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFF Left HPSOVInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFF Right HPSOVInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFF Left PRSOVInteractive
36 – PneuLRU Replacement TestPneumatic Engine OFFRight PRSOVInteractive
71-80 Left EngOper TestActuator TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngOper TestThrust Reverser Interlock TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestElectronic Engine Controller Blower TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestElectronic Engine Controller TestNon-Interactive
71-80 Left EngSys TestEngine Idle TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestHarness TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestIgnition Channel A TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestIgnition Channel B TestInteractive
71-80 Left EngSys TestWet Motor TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngOper TestActuator TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngOper TestThrust Reverser Interlock TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestElectronic Engine Controller Blower TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestElectronic Engine Controller TestNon-Interactive
71-80 Right EngSys TestEngine Idle TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestHarness TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestIgnition Channel A TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestIgnition Channel B TestInteractive
71-80 Right EngSys TestWet Motor TestInteractive

Note: Menu options in cyan-colored selections are not available.


If the test fails, the screen shows:

  • Failed LRU
  • Fault code
  • Reason for failure

For a test failure, the options are:

  • New Test
  • Maintenance Message Data
  • Post Conditions
  • Report

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