The phase of flight refers to a period within a flight. Each phase of flight has its own set of procedures and tasks that must be completed before the aircraft can move on to the next stage.

Parking: Parking phase ends and starts when the aircraft respectively begins or stops moving forward under its own power.

Learn More: The 10 Flight Phases of A320 Aircraft

Taxi: Taxi phase includes both taxi-out and taxi-in. Taxi-out starts when the aircraft begins moving forward under its own power and ends when it reaches the takeoff position. Taxi-in normally starts after the landing roll-out, when the aircraft taxis to the parking area. It may, in some cases, follow a taxi-out.

Takeoff run: Takeoff run phase begins when the crew increases thrust for the purpose of lift-off. It ends when an initial climb is established or the crew aborts its takeoff.

Aborted takeoff: Aborted takeoff phase starts when the crew reduces thrust during the takeoff run to stop the aircraft. It ends when the aircraft is stopped or when it is taxied off the runway.

Initial climb: Initial climb phase begins at 35 feet above the runway elevation. It normally ends with the climb to cruise. It may, in some instances, be followed by an approach.

Climb to cruise: Climb to cruise phase begins when the crew establishes the aircraft at a defined speed and configuration enabling the aircraft to increase altitude for the cruise. It normally ends when the aircraft reaches cruise altitude. It may, in some cases end with the initiation of a descent.

Cruise: Cruise phase begins when the aircraft reaches the initial cruise altitude. It ends when the crew initiates a descent for the purpose of landing.

Initial descent: Initial descent phase starts when the crew leaves the cruise altitude in order to land. It normally ends when the crew initiates changes in the aircraft’s configuration and/or speed in view of the landing. It may, in some cases end with a cruise or climb to cruise phase.

Approach: Approach phase starts when the crew initiates changes in the aircraft’s configuration and/or speed in view of the landing. It normally ends when the aircraft is in the landing configuration and the crew is dedicated to land on a particular runway. It may, in some cases, end with the initiation of an initial climb or go-around phase.

Go-around: Go-around phase begins when the crew aborts the descent to the planned landing runway during the approach phase. It ends with the initiation of an initial climb or when speed and configuration are established at a defined altitude.

Landing: Landing phase begins when the aircraft is in the landing configuration and the crew is dedicated to land on a particular runway. It ends when the aircraft’s speed is decreased to taxi speed.